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Blog, Memory Care, Senior Care, Six Dimensions of Wellness, social wellness

Precious Memories

Memories are the substance of a life well-lived. Memories are portrayed through musical lyrics, movies, short stories, and many biographical sketches. It is an important part of life. Memories are stored through images, pictures, and digital devices. They are powerful reminders of highlights and struggles; as well as significant reflections of the past and often predictors of the future. Memory is an important function for proper cognitive function. Seniors may often find themselves frustrated at the decline in memory that keeps them from being able to interact at peak social levels. This frustration can lead to isolation and withdrawal from others. Many studies have been done to determine the physiological and psychological effects of cognitive decline on overall health and wellness.

According to the National Library of Medicine, The research results showed that both social isolation and loneliness were associated with poor cognition in ageing, with depression as a possible mediator between loneliness and poor cognition.

The research indicates a correlation between cognitive decline and poor overall health. According to Cacioppo and Hawkley,”health, life and genetic legacy of members of social species are threatened when they find themselves isolated (see  for a review). During the COVID-19 lockdown, for example, we experienced social isolation, and many people suffered the consequences of loneliness. ” Long lasting effects from lockdowns are still being felt in the senior living industry. However, evidence shows that  the human spirit is very resilient. Wellness directors are the agents thatsenior wellness, senior loneliness, senior activities, senior living, memory care programs can offer hope and healing through the services they provide.

Many residents of senior care living facilities thrive in activity settings that are vibrant and diverse. Wellness programs built on physical, social, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and occupational dimensions supply a plethora of activities that are beneficial to combat isolation and promote well-being. This stimulates memories from the past and connects to present and future feelings of joy and satisfaction. Often times physical and emotional discomfort bring the natural tendency to isolate and avoid social relationships. The benefits of Lifetime Wellness, Ltd. are far reaching in a community of seniors that are experiencing decline in cognitive capacity and function.

The more immersed in a community—with social connections—the happier, and healthier, people are. Friends tend to act as our social support and are conditional indicators for health quality.

Wellness is a lifestyle that many seniors desire to continue enjoying.  Memories made today or from the past are worth celebrating! Lifetime Wellness, Ltd. would be happy to help you continue to grow and thrive in each season of life. We exist to help you age successfully! Let’s get started with a thriving activity culture in your senior living facility today! Precious memories are waiting to be made!



Blog, Managing Stress levels in Seniors, Senior Care, Uncategorized

Stress in Senior Care

April is Stress Awareness Month. Lifetime Wellness will be actively campaigning throughout our partnerships to promote positive ways to handle stress. Life can be very stressful! Anxiety, depression, and mental health issues are increasing daily for many of all ages and walks of life. Life since the Covid-19 pandemic seems to have made everyday life a bit more complicated.

Life for senior adults can become full of worry and fret. There are many factors that can contribute to this. Complex health issues, loss of a loved one, financial issues, being a caregiver, living alone, and where to spend retirement years are all factors that can increase stress. There are many ways to treat the symptoms and causes of stress. Recognizing symptoms of stress are important.

 According to an article by Harvard Health Publishing, there are common signs and symptoms to become aware of.

According to  Dr. Ann Webster, a health psychologist at the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital, “if these signs go untreated there can be a significant increase in cardiovascular issues. It can also increase insulin resistance in diabetics while increasing hypertensive episodes as well as insomnia.” There is so much at stake if these symptoms remain untreated. Thankfully, there are many methods to improve responses to stress. In an older population, these symptoms can easily mask other complicated health issues. Being aware of these symptoms of stress can help caregivers response to elevated stress levels in seniors.

aromatherapy for pain, essential oils for mood

There are many ways to combat stress in senior care. A recent post by the Harvard Special Health Report gives much needed direction to combat the complications of stress and  improve quality of life and decrease the effects of stress.

General stress in adults may be reduced with some of the following ideas, as reported in the Harvard Special Health Report Stress Management:


  • Engage in regular physical activity. If you are infirm, ask your doctor whether you might benefit from certain types of exercise, such as tai chi, which enhances balance. Many other kinds of physical activity improve your health, lift your mood, and reduce stress, too.
  • Consider whether you might benefit from a course in assertiveness training that would help you state your wishes and handle conflicts.
  • Join a support group if you are dealing with bereavement.
  • Think about getting a pet—both the pluses and minuses. Several studies support the stress-lowering effects of having a dog, cat, or other animal companion. But don’t forget to take into consideration the physical and financial challenges of pet ownership.
  • Attend a mind-body program. These can help at any age. Some are specifically designed for seniors. Others may focus on chronic pain or specific ailments, such as heart disease.

There are many ways that our partnerships address the concerns of elevated stress. There are non pharmacological approaches such as aromatherapy, massage, and relaxation rooms. These have proven to be beneficial and enhance overall quality of life for seniors.

Throughout the six dimensions of wellness, Lifetime Wellness, Ltd. provides everyday programs that decrease stress. Body works, Chef works,  and Mind Works, are just a few of the offerings our clients can take advantage of. This programming addresses the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of seniors.  Our partnerships benefit from gold standard activity programming as well as professional staff management.

Celebrate stress awareness month by taking advantage of opportunities to maintain proper self-care. Senior care thrives when stress lowering offerings are implemented. Life can be difficult, but there are creative solutions to manage the stress and improve the quality of life for seniors.

Stress relief tips for older adults – Harvard Health



Assisted living, Blog, social wellness

Purposeful Senior Living

Successful aging is demonstrated through purposeful engagement with others. According to the research by the Mathers Institute, “Older adults who have a higher sense of purpose live happier, healthier, and longer lives.” Lifetime Wellness offers programming to enhance culture while encouraging senior living residents to build meaningful and lasting relationships through highly engaging activities. Intentional programming that will promote  social interactions of senior daily living is often the more successful.

Research proves that the relational quality of the senior adult paves the way for a positive mental and emotional healthy person.

Initiatives driven to engage family and friend interactions are some of the best practices for staff. lifetimewellness.com welcomes the opportunity to serve YOU through a variety of packages designed to meet the needs of YOUR community.

  Connect the Dots

Relationships among senior living residents are not unlike other age groups living in community. There are common interests and connections that can be formed through various events and gatherings. This creates bonding experiences that uplift and empower beautiful friendships. However, there will be occasional conflict and negative interactions that can precipitate negative emotions. Monitoring the relationships between staff and resident, as well as resident to resident is crucial to the emotional health of the senior.

   The Great Divide

Fractures that can often occur between these relationships can deteriorate well being and overall wellness.  An awareness of the mood and emotions of the senior can alert the wellness staff to serve as the advocate for everyone involved. If negative interactions occur, this can disrupt purpose in the lives of seniors. This can lead to an overall lack of joy and happiness in the culture of the environment. A consistent measurement of the pulse of the residents through activity engagement can give valuable insight into the relational joys and strains of community living.

A turnkey approach for wellness staffing made possible through www.lifetimewellness.com team members can lead to positive and healthy relationship building.

                               The Proof is in the Research

A recent study was conducted with 106 older adults in Zurich, Switzerland, with up to 15 daily measurement occasions per participant. Participants reported on the quality of their most recent social interactions every morning, afternoon, and evening, and on their sense of purpose every evening. They did this for five weekdays. At six and twelve months later, they repeated the process for the same length of time. The researchers then evaluated whether having more positive or negative social interactions each day predicted how purposeful a participant felt on that same day.”

The study offers three primary findings:

  • People who had better social interactions generally had a stronger sense of purpose.
  • On days in which an individual had worse social interactions than usual, they felt less purposeful than usual, and on days in which they had better social interactions than usual, they felt more purposeful.
  • The association between daily positive social interactions and daily sense of purpose differed based on whether an older adult was employed or retired.
  • This research proves the validity of excellence in programming for activities within skilled and assisted living communities.

Aging successfully requires more than one component. Holistic wellness has several dimensions. The program offerings through www.lifetimewellness.com  are research based. The residents will find purpose and meaning while rediscovering their passion throughout the layers of wellness curriculum. Make an appointment with our team today to help your community be the best version it can be!

Assisted living, Blog, Caregiver Wellness, Senior Care, Six Dimensions of Wellness

National Senior Health and Fitness Day- May 25, 2022

National Senior Health and Fitness Day is a day to celebrate fitness and aging well. It is a great day set aside to honor and celebrate life with those we love and care about. Take time to visit with your parents, grandparents, and special loved ones on this day. Take a walk, have a healthy meal, and enjoy making special memories while taking time to reflect on healthy living. According to research from www.nationaltoday.com and the      National Institute on Aging, 


the world is aging rapidly and people of 60 years and older will rise in numbers from, 900 million to 2 billion between 2015 and 2050.

Exercise and physical activity are good for just about everyone, including older adults. No matter your health and physical abilities, you can gain a lot by staying active. In fact, studies show that “taking it easy” is risky. Often, inactivity is more to blame than age when older people lose the ability to do things on their own. Lack of physical activity also can lead to more visits to the doctor, more hospitalizations, and more use of medicines for a variety of illnesses.

This research shows a significant increase in older adults 65 and above in our society.  This leads to a growing need for greater knowledge concerning the obstacles and challenges that are faced by an expanding population of 65 years and older. There are substantial and positive impacts seniors can make on society and we must be intentional to give honor and respect to our senior population. We owe tremendous gratitude to those that have made life rich and meaningful for younger generations. One way to show our appreciation is by celebrating National Senior Fitness Day. You can visit their website at fitnessday.com  for information and news from seniors across the nation commemorating this wonderful day.  This day brings awareness to the value that must be placed on health and fitness in seniors.

Lifetime Wellness, Ltd. serves as an excellent partner in the “aging successfully” process. This is the mantra of our company. There are a variety of ways to integrate a healthy lifestyle for the senior adult that is intentional about health and wellness. Please take some time to visit our website, www.lifetimewellness or checkout our Facebook, Linked In, or Twitter pages to review the services offered to our partners. Our company welcomes the opportunity to serve you!

The National Institute on Aging has produced a video that will encourage and inform adults 65 and over regarding the start and maintenance phases of exercise regimens.  Education about your health can optimize your overall wellness. Empowering this generation of aging adults will promote the effects of aging successfully.

Did you know…

The number one health problem is….

Heart disease. Every 43 seconds someone has a heart attack.

The most prevalent health problem of persons over the age of 65…

Heart disease and cancer. Over the past two decades, heart disease and cancer hold the leading positions for the cause of death in this age group.

These statistics place a premium on the importance of overall health.  Exercise and a healthy diet, combined with the importance of mental health and a wellness plan have proven to decrease the effects of these prevalent dangers to seniors.  Celebrate National Senior Health and Fitness Day. A life well lived should be celebrated today and every day! Happy Senior Health and Fitness Day!