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National Senior Health and Fitness Day- May 25, 2022

National Senior Health and Fitness Day is a day to celebrate fitness and aging well. It is a great day set aside to honor and celebrate life with those we love and care about. Take time to visit with your parents, grandparents, and special loved ones on this day. Take a walk, have a healthy meal, and enjoy making special memories while taking time to reflect on healthy living. According to research from and the      National Institute on Aging, 


the world is aging rapidly and people of 60 years and older will rise in numbers from, 900 million to 2 billion between 2015 and 2050.

Exercise and physical activity are good for just about everyone, including older adults. No matter your health and physical abilities, you can gain a lot by staying active. In fact, studies show that “taking it easy” is risky. Often, inactivity is more to blame than age when older people lose the ability to do things on their own. Lack of physical activity also can lead to more visits to the doctor, more hospitalizations, and more use of medicines for a variety of illnesses.

This research shows a significant increase in older adults 65 and above in our society.  This leads to a growing need for greater knowledge concerning the obstacles and challenges that are faced by an expanding population of 65 years and older. There are substantial and positive impacts seniors can make on society and we must be intentional to give honor and respect to our senior population. We owe tremendous gratitude to those that have made life rich and meaningful for younger generations. One way to show our appreciation is by celebrating National Senior Fitness Day. You can visit their website at  for information and news from seniors across the nation commemorating this wonderful day.  This day brings awareness to the value that must be placed on health and fitness in seniors.

Lifetime Wellness, Ltd. serves as an excellent partner in the “aging successfully” process. This is the mantra of our company. There are a variety of ways to integrate a healthy lifestyle for the senior adult that is intentional about health and wellness. Please take some time to visit our website, www.lifetimewellness or checkout our Facebook, Linked In, or Twitter pages to review the services offered to our partners. Our company welcomes the opportunity to serve you!

The National Institute on Aging has produced a video that will encourage and inform adults 65 and over regarding the start and maintenance phases of exercise regimens.  Education about your health can optimize your overall wellness. Empowering this generation of aging adults will promote the effects of aging successfully.

Did you know…

The number one health problem is….

Heart disease. Every 43 seconds someone has a heart attack.

The most prevalent health problem of persons over the age of 65…

Heart disease and cancer. Over the past two decades, heart disease and cancer hold the leading positions for the cause of death in this age group.

These statistics place a premium on the importance of overall health.  Exercise and a healthy diet, combined with the importance of mental health and a wellness plan have proven to decrease the effects of these prevalent dangers to seniors.  Celebrate National Senior Health and Fitness Day. A life well lived should be celebrated today and every day! Happy Senior Health and Fitness Day!